Monday, June 6, 2016

Backing Up Your Files 

(Because you are getting a different laptop 2016-2017!)

This information is very important mainly if you are not returning to South Harnett, you are transferring to a new school and/or because you are getting a newer laptop!

You will need to do several things in order to keep all of your files.

If you are transferring to another school within the county or out:

Directions for Backing up your desktop files (these are the files you see on your screen when you first login)

  • First, insert the USB memory stick into an available USB port.
  • On Windows, this will bring up a window showing the memory stick is now seen as a drive on your computer (e.g., "Removable Disk" E: drive).
  • You'll also get a menu of options for using the device. Select "Open folder to view files" at the bottom.
  • Alternatively on Windows, you can also get to the drive by going to your Computer (or My Computer) folder and finding the new drive letter there.
  • To copy files to the USB memory stick, right click on the file you want to copy and choose copy. Then right-click in the flash drive window and click paste.
  • Do NOT just drag the files over. This creates a shortcut on your flash drive to your desktop. When you take the flashdrive out of that laptop, it won’t “see” those files anymore.
  • Want to copy several files/folders at once?
  • Click Ctrl-A to select everything (Then right click on one thing and choose copy)
  • Or Click on one file and hold down Ctrl to click on several more
  • Or Click on the first file, then hold down Shift and click on the last file. When you're done, right-click on the drive and select "Eject" so you can safely remove the drive.

If you are going to a new school that won’t have SmartBoards, click HERE for information on how to save your Smart Notebook files.

If you are leaving HCS:
  • In addition, you will want to backup your google files. Here’s a good How To. Click Download your Data and then Click manage My Archives. From there, follow the instructions.
  • You will also need to turn in your iPads by June 8th and your teacher laptop by June 9th.