Sunday, April 7, 2013

iPads are Making a Difference!

iPads, iPads, iPads
What Great Things They Are!!!!

For my college class I did a research project.  This is what I have found out....

  I have learned that iPad integration does have a positive impact on K-5 classroom instruction. There have been several studies done to show that iPads improve instruction in classrooms. Two of the studies conducted focused on math.  Companies completed both of those studies.  Game Desk, one of the companies, conducted a study on a group of fifth grade students in California.  The students  participated in the study by playing Math Motion, a fraction game, for 5 days, 20 minutes per day.  At the end of the study the students took a test and showed a 15% gains. (Wainwright, 2013) Houghton Mifflin Harcourt did the second study. This study was conducted over a one-year period.  Student test scores increased in math by 20%.  These students used iPads instead of textbooks. (Wainwright, 2013)
In a third study done for KIPP Academy in Houston, TX showed that students in a non-traditional classroom, a flipped classroom, which used iPads daily scored 49% higher with a passing rate than students in a traditional classroom without iPads. (Wainwright, 2013) This shows that technology is making a strong positive impact at that school.
The fourth study was conducted in Kent, New England at Longfield Academy by Naace. The students at this school were highly motivated.  They used their iPads mainly in the areas of English, Math, and Science.  They use their iPads for online research, mind mapping, and creating presentations, which impacted the quality of their work.  Not to mention how they as students worked together collaboratively.  The study showed that there was a significant and very positive impact on learning and teaching.   Which reflected in the students’ achievement and attainment. (Walsh, 2013)  All of the studies showed that iPads have a positive impact on instruction and it would be very beneficial to incorporate iPads. 
iPads are a great motivator both for students and teachers.  Teachers need to see that iPads are versatile, powerful tools that are changing the face of education. Teachers need to understand that iPads are a diverse method to delivering instruction and engaging all students.  They also need to keep in mind that children are eager to embrace new technology.  They want to get their hands on iPads and interact with them. They want to explore.  They want to learn and problem solve. Not to mention that students are able to troubleshoot and resolve technology issues. Not to mention that students are able to troubleshoot and resolve technology issues quicker than most adults. (Lovegrove, 2013)


Wainwright, Ashley. "8 Studies Show iPads in the Classroom Improve Education." Blog. IT Solutions Blog. SecurEdge Networks. Secure Edge Networks, 18 Feb. 2013. Web. 6 Apr. 2013. <>.

Lovegrove, Ben. "17 Benefits of using iPads in the Classroom." INKids. INKids Pty. Ltd., 27 Mar. 2013. Web. 4 Apr. 2013. <>.

Walsh, Kelly. The 2013 Free Education Technology Resources eBook. 2nd ed., 2013. Web. 4 Apr. 2013. <>.

5 Ways Google Glass Can Be Used in Education

That was published on APRIL 3, 2013

I know that this is eventually going to happen but it is going to take some getting used to.  Kids will have an easier time adjusting to this than I will.  I will personally have to make some adjustments but I think they are really cool and have a lot of cool features that they will be offering.

Watch this video to see some of the cool things... It makes me want a pair...

But at the same time they scare me.  I can only image the number of accidents that they could potential be caused by drivers wearing these glasses while driving or  people walking down the road and not paying attention.  

I know that being at a school with a 3D Smart Board it is hard enough teaching the children to be careful with a pair of $40 glasses let alone a pair of glasses that more than likely will be in the hundreds even when their price comes done for more consumers to be able to afford them.

It will be interesting to see what the future will hold. :O)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Educational Technology Guy: Apps to Support Bloom's Taxonomy - Android, Google, iPad and Web 2.0

Educational Technology Guy: Apps to Support Bloom's Taxonomy - Android, Google, iPad and Web 2.0

These are great apps to use with Bloom's Taxonomy when using your iPad or Android device.

I am currently looking into research about whether or not iPads are a good technology device to use in K-5 classroom for differentiated instruction.

I will let you know what I find out.