Friday, February 22, 2013

Wideo is all news to me

Wideo is all news to me. 

I have a new web 2.0 tool that I want to share with you today.  It is called Wideo.  It is really cool.  I can create animated videos online similar to goanimate.  I can create, edit, and publish digit stories or various types of videos with avatars in them to share with anyone in the world that is interested. 

Wideo can be used in the class with your students to creative short stories, animated descriptions of activities, events,  or simply a project that they are working on.  They can use it to create tutorials to teach their peers in class lessons on how to do something- "How To" videos.  The possibilities are up to yours and your students imaginations.

But it is definitely a new way for them to create digital stories online to share with each other.

Below is a short video that I created using Wideo.  

Here is a digital story that I created on goanimate.  They are both great Web 2.0 tools to use with your students in class for digital storytelling.  It all depends on what they like, how detailed they want to be in the movement of their characters and so much more.

jcarson1972's Animation by jcarson1972 on GoAnimate

Video Maker - Powered by GoAnimate.

Other digital storytelling sites to check out: this is one of my favorites but we can no longer use it in my county :O(

There are numerous sites out there even ones that are like comic books or cartoon strips.
These are just a few ways to make writing fun for kids and even adults, too!

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