Thursday, February 21, 2013

iMovies By My Students

Making iMovies for adults can be challenging enough let alone having your students make them.  Over the last couple of weeks I have had my students working on various projects for Community Service projects.  One of them dealt with the Ronald McDonald Charity House.  

This video had many challenges for them.  It offered a lot of ups and downs.  It was persuasive and had a good message to get across. However, it was a very hard video to make as you will see.  They made pop tops out of cardboard, painted them silver, wrote a script and then dressed up in the green suits because they want their voices to come from the pop tops.  When they went to put the backgrounds in with the video they created they had a VERY DIFFICULT time finding pictures, scenes and clipart that did not cover them up or was not half there or not there.  It was challenging and frustrating to them at the same time.  They kept having to go back over and over again to look for different backgrounds.  They had to tweak the colors on pictures, they had to black themselves out on a lot of the slides.

But they ended up asking each other what was the main message that they were trying to get across.  Was it them as the "Pop Top" or was it that they wanted people to help them raise money for the families in need and for the sick children at the Ronald McDonald House.  They ended up stepping back.  They looked at the whole picture.  They began to seek first to understand.  They kept the end in mind which was to help others, not themselves.

Please take the time to watch their video and let them know how they did.

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