Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Children of the 21st century...why are some teachers not on board with using technology?

Watch this video and tell me your thoughts...

There are teachers still not on board... they are standing on the sidelines and children of the 21st century are suffering! They are calling out, reaching out and want to be heard.  They want to learn and be actively involved.  We as Technology Facilitators need to encourage teachers and work with these teachers.  We need to get them on the fast train moving in the right direction which is teaching their students to be 21st century ready learners.
We need to show teachers how important it is for children today to learn their way not the way that the way that we as teachers learned years ago.  The old way is not the way to reach children today.  We are the ones who need to change to reach our students.  Not the other way around....
Share your thoughts with me, please.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for inviting me to comment on your blog. I think the invitation is a good way to motivate responses. Another way to promote an active blog is constant updates with new information. Insert the URL in your email signature line and share the URL at every opportunity.

    I agree, we need to get on board and prepare children to be responsible users of digital tools. Like other personal life habits---teachers and parents should set the example for best practices and ethical use of Internet.
