Saturday, November 29, 2014

I know this has NOTHING to do with technology but ladies this is a must see...

If you wear scraves.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Practicing with HTML code for Grad School

Below I am practicing writing in code! Here is how to write my name in italics! Julie Carson .
Now I am going to write my job title in bold. Technology Facilitator!
Now I am going to include a link to my school Blogger: Carson The Techie Blog
Here is my ECU school email address


I was Emaze by the presentation software and how quickly my students caught onto it.
They are currently using their research information from the Roanake Islands and the Lost Colony.  They went under the tab of Education and picked one of the 4 newspaper presentations.
We discussed why one of them was not the best one to use.

 I am going back this week to finish up in small groups.  I am looking forward to seeing their finished projects.  I will post some links to their presentations when they are done.  But for now, check out the simple directions on how to set up your own account and how to get started.