Saturday, November 29, 2014

I know this has NOTHING to do with technology but ladies this is a must see...

If you wear scraves.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Practicing with HTML code for Grad School

Below I am practicing writing in code! Here is how to write my name in italics! Julie Carson .
Now I am going to write my job title in bold. Technology Facilitator!
Now I am going to include a link to my school Blogger: Carson The Techie Blog
Here is my ECU school email address


I was Emaze by the presentation software and how quickly my students caught onto it.
They are currently using their research information from the Roanake Islands and the Lost Colony.  They went under the tab of Education and picked one of the 4 newspaper presentations.
We discussed why one of them was not the best one to use.

 I am going back this week to finish up in small groups.  I am looking forward to seeing their finished projects.  I will post some links to their presentations when they are done.  But for now, check out the simple directions on how to set up your own account and how to get started.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Oh, My GOSH!
This is the greatest new way to do a formative assessment on your students.
It is great to use with Learning Focus Math lessons.

I was recently introduced to this at a conference that I presented at.  When they showed it to me, I feel in love with it and knew that I had to go back and immediately share it with my teachers.

I recently shared it with my teachers at a staff meeting.  Plickers is a free app that you can download on your iPad, iPhone or on your google play device that has a camera.  You can set up as many classes as you want on your device to do formative assessments on your students.
You can assign each of your students a permenant card so that you can track data on them.  This app allows you to use the camera on your device to scan your classroom and the cards that your audience is holding up. It immediately tells you how many of each letter you have in order to let you know whether or not your students have mastered or understand your essential question, math question or your problem for the day.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

South Harnett Elementary School

This is the school that I work at.  I have been the technology facilitator at this school now for three years.

We are currently working on becoming a Leader in Me School.  A Leader in Me School is a school that implements Steven Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective Kids.  We are trying to teach our students to be leaders of tomorrow.

Visit the Leader in Me website to learn more about it.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Perception of Others Through Google Glass

I just had to repost the video after sitting in a conference session today with Leslie Fisher.  

I really wish that Google would pick a school system of teachers to try them out.  I know that all of the tech facilitators in Harnett County would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to get the opportunity to wear them, to help teachers find innovative ways to incorporate them into the classroom along with make the instruction in class rigorous and relevant to their learning.

Connecting and Engaging

NCTIES 2014.... What a great time that I had "Connecting and Engaging" with my techie friends from Harnett County and from a far.

I think this was one of the best technology conferences that I have been to in awhile.  I actually wanted to stay for all of the sessions and did NOT leave early this year!!!

I am a HUGE fan of Richard Byrne, Kathy Schrock, Leslie Fisher and became a big fan of Kevin Honeycutt this week.  

If you have not had the chance to hear Kevin Honeycutt speak you have to check him out on youtube. 

Check out the video that I have posted below on the blog Your Digital Dad. 

My time with Leslie Fisher was interesting learning about Google Glass.  They were pretty dang cool!  A friend said they were like a sample piece of candy that teased you and you wanted more.  I wish I had the $2000 to be one of those lucky people to experience life with the Google Glass right now.  I would love to be able to use them in a school environment and see how I could really use them and incorporate them into a classroom situation or into my job as a technology facilitator.  I know there are times that I am working on a problem and would love to do what she did and do an immediate search and have it tell me the information.  It showed it to her and said it to her as well.  Now, how cool is that.  The videos are great but like she stated there is lag time.  They are not as quick as the videos portray them to be.  There were a lot of good features that they had to offer.  It was be extremely interesting to see where they go and how much they will eventually cost the general public.

Kathy Schrock- what can I say about her... she shared with us a wonderful page of resources.... songs, videos, apps, and so many more tools.  The resource can be found at

I promise you if you visit the site you will NOT be disappointed.

Richard Byrne has an AWESOME blog called Free Technology for Teachers.  On this site he offers guides, resources, apps, tutorials, and more!  If you are not a subscriber to his site you need to visit it, check it out and see for yourself.  I do not think you will be disappointed.

Okay... from the NCTIES conference the last 2 days... I have narrowed it down to 3 apps I want to download on all of the iPod touches and I highly recommend you look at... Here is app number 1:

1. colAR- augmented reality is the BOMB with this app. Even my 6th grade son likes this app and wanted to come home and do another picture tonight with it.

2. Tellagami- love the avatars and the fact you can add in your own backgrounds. That makes the learning more relevant to the learners.

And finally app # 3~
Kahoot!- this is an app that I am going to have to go into the classroom and use in a co-teaching lesson.... who at SHES is game and wants to try it out?

Your Digital Dad - Smart choices in social media (+playlist)

I really like what he has to say in this video.

He is a very positive person.  He models how to be supportive, and positive.

He talks about building a strategic army.  What kind of people are in your army?

Make your army people that you want to be around all of the time.

It is a positive network that can build your name and your reputation.